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Defne Difference at MWC 2015

Oguz Haliloglu, CEO, Defne

From Central Asia to Middle East, Asia Pacific to Africa, and Europe to South America, more than 25 mobile operators serving more than 500 million subscribers in over 20 countries increase customer loyalty and revenues with Defne’s innovative solutions and exceptional services. Every year, Defne continues to add more operatos from different geographies to its wide customers base.

We recently interviewed Oguz Haliloglu, CEO at Defne, one of the oldest Turkish participants of Mobile World Congress (MWC). Here is a brief summary of his views and thoughts on the telecommunications market and Defne’s position.

As Defne, we completed the 2014 fiscal year with great success. We added new innovative solutions to our product portfolio, new operators to our customer base and new partners to our collaboration program. Some of the projects we completed in international markets were especially very positive and brought recognition for us in the market. Eventhough the domestic telecommunications market shrank a bit due to the economic recession, we closed the year 2014 with growth and reached all our strategic goals with our customer base expansion in intenational markets.

Growth in global collaboration

Our ability to increase direct sales in international markets with new projects in new operator networks in new countries, as well as, global partnerships was the main positive factor we experienced in 2014. Our international presence played a major role in our success during 2014. We were especially very active and saw great results in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Central Asia regions. And our latest addition to our product portfolio VAS Monitoring, and Roaming solutions powered up our successa and allowed us to reach our targets in these key regions.

Due to budget cuts from mobile operators, the telecommunications market in Turkey experienced some stagnation but we also experienced some positive developments. Foremost, the Bulk SMS provider market reached a considerable size and grew more in 2014. As Defne, we we took advantage of this growth and captured a significant share from this thriving market.

Four new products are focus of the year in 2015

Our main goal in 2015 will be to successfully complete, deploy and continue to nurture the yields of all contracts we have already signed up for globally.

We will focus on and add four new products to our product portfolio. In the last two years, we saw increasing demand for and growth in our Roaming, OSS and Mobile Marketing product suites. We experienced significant sales growth with our Border Roaming Controller (prevents subscribers from unintentionally roaming into neighboring networks in international border areas) from our Roaming products suite, VAS Monitoring (enables operators to increase their quality of service and customer satisfaction) and Consent Management (manages mobile subscriber consent and helps development of an authorized opt-in database) from or OSS products suite, and Bulk SMSC (reseller ready platform that efficiently manages high volumes of bulk SMS) from our Mobile Marketing product suite. We will continue to evolve these products with new features and functionality based on the feedback we receive from our customers in different regions.

VAS Monitoring

We will continue and accelerate the growth we experienced in especially the Asia Pacific region. We will continue and materialize our efforts in growing our customer base and gaining more market share in Africa region, mainly in Central Africa. Whereby, Africa will become a new developing market for Defne in 2015. In addition, we are aiming at substantial revenues from signed agreements and potentail projects with new international business partners. These will help us in increasing our product quality, product diversity and widespread distribution and market share of our solutions.

Defne at MWC for the 9th Consecutive Year

One of our goals for 2015 is to focus more on international marketing activies. To this end, during March 2-5, we exhibited at MWC 2015, the largest global telecommunications event, for the 9th consecutive year. Our experience with MWC has been that it always fuels our growth with new opportunities from a variety of regions every year. This year, we introduced our new and focus products at MWC and reveived great feedback and interest from global GSM operators and potential partners; VAS Monitoring product along with other key products from our Roaming, Filtering, Call Completion, Mobile Marketing and Messaging solutions suites. Throughout the year, we plan to exhibit at other telecommunications shows and events in our target markets.

2014 was a very successful year for us in executing our growth plans and achieving results that surpassed our goals. It is already evident that 2015 will not be any different! We are ready to take action and very enthusiastic about the new business opportunities that lie ahead of us. 2015 will also prove to be a very busy and success oriented year for Defne!


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